How Long Should You have to Train In The Gym?

I always wonder how people spend 3 to 4 hours in the gym, as from the beginning I have always seen people spending too much time but not getting the desired result. I always think about what they do for these 3 to 4 hours and being curious I asked this particular question to all of them. They always replied workout.

Even after that harsh workout session, their body composition is not that great. So the question is what they actually do in the gym and how much time should they particularly train in the gym. This article is particularly about weight training in the gym as other training methods take time, so this article is all about the period for which you are lifting weights in the gym.
You must know that when we are talking about time spent in the gym, is the time when you have started your proper workout to the time when it ends. Generally, your warmup is not counted in your proper workout, but if you want to know about proper warmup and cool down you can read my other blog on this topic. Generally, 5 min of a general body warm-up is enough to start your workout. The warm-up set and the working set or hard set are counted in your actual workout.

Now it comes to another question how much time should a beginner, advanced, or intermediate-level athlete should train? Well, it depends on them how focused they are on their workouts. Ideally, if you are a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced level athlete you should wrap up your workout in between 45 to 60 minutes or you can extend it to 90 minutes depending on your goals.

Where are we wasting our time?
I have seen most people don’t even know about the rest period or about the type of workout which they are doing. Some of them are hitting way too much of the exercises of each body part and some of them are taking too much of the rest in between the sets. Some of them start watching T.V and some of them start gossiping about others. So, these are only some of the reasons why they spent there near about half of the day in the gym.
So try to avoid all these things during your workout sessions stay focused on your workout and try to go harder than last time, that’s how you really gain results in the gym.
That’s it for today guys feel free to comment on your queries, do follow our page on all social media platforms, and if you want any personal assistance regarding health, and fitness follows me on my Instagram and youtube till then goodbye.